GeoSpark Core
Data Entry and Management Made Simple
The GeoSpark Core Database System has been built to be easy to use and adaptable, with reasonable cost and exceptional quality. The system has been designed for users of all levels and no formal training or certifications are necessary. Geologist software in the past has been expensive, cumbersome and restrictive; the use of our software is intuitive and flexible, with a powerful relational geological database working behind the scenes.
We have designed and built the GeoSpark Core Database System with the whole picture in mind, from data entry to use in resource quantification and reporting.
The front end GeoSpark Logger is fully loaded with both form and datasheet-style data entry sections. The program catches user error and validates all data to your specific requirements during the logging process, proofing data at its first inception. This saves immeasurable amounts of time and money later in the data auditing and analysis stage.
Default data tables with well thought out structures include:
Additional Features of the GeoSpark Core Database System:
With data entered directly into an SQL or Access based industry standard relational database, your data will always be guaranteed to be in good standing. This data can be synchronized automatically into your centralized master GeoSpark database, which will be the definitive source for all your project data.
Drill hole data can be locked once complete within the master GeoSpark Core database, allowing even greater control and security. Getting data out of the master database is as simple as choosing the preferred data to export, no complexity. Special export formats can also be designed allowing for further ease of use.
The master database can be linked directly to GIS and 3D modelling applications, ensuring your data is always readily available.
Key Features
A key feature of the GeoSpark Core Database System is that your master database can be hosted on the internet, extremely secure and redundantly backed up, via our GeoSpark Nimbus cloud database hosting option. This functionality allows for data availability 24/7, with any updates made in the field or by GeoSpark Assure QAQC and assay services to be visible immediately in the office.
Geological databases are necessary for the full use of geological data for:
With the master database being generated as the data is entered, the sequential steps of building a database, verification and auditing of the database, reporting drill hole results in paper format, and data and analytical result quality assurance are accounted for in advance. Such consideration helps to avoid future delays and costs.
Due diligence including data validations, verifications, quality assurance and quality control are inherent in the use of the GeoSpark Core Database System and will allow for avoidance of future hindrances as mineral exploration and mining projects evolve.
Our products and services have proven results with many mineral exploration companies across the globe. Please review our testimonials to see how we have worked to help all levels of exploration and mining companies to achieve data freedom and success.