GeoSpark Assure
QAQC as Part of Your Team
GeoSpark Consulting Inc. provides services to clients for assay quality assurance and quality control (QAQC). As analytical results are received, the assay data will be reviewed by a Qualified Person. A memo document will be generated related to each QAQC review, and any issues will be addressed in order to maintain good quality within the analytical results, allowing for confidence in reported results.
In addition, seasonal or annual detailed QAQC reports will take place in order to provide data users and technical reporters with confidence in the analytical data. A qualified professional geoscientist will also work with project managers to advise regarding QAQC requirements and procedures where requested. QAQC Review will include monitoring of analytical pair data in order to infer the level of precision within results.
These analytical pairs will include at minimum field duplicates. Secondary lab check samples will be reviewed in order to ensure that there is no significant bias within the reported analytical results. Sample pairs will be reviewed both statistically using the average relative difference and percent difference, as well as graphically within scatter plots showing the correlation within sample pairs relative to a one to one correlation.
Statistical overview of analytical pair data will take place within Thompson-Howarth Precision versus Concentration charts.
Blank and standard materials will serve to infer the accuracy within the results as well as to monitor for any instrumentation or sample contamination issues.
Additionally, monitoring the field duplicates, blanks, and standards will allow for immediate awareness of potential field sampling or data entry issues. Periodical selection of a representative set of samples to be sent to a secondary lab for check sample analysis will take place.
Technical reporting requirements for analytical result QAQC will be maintained on an ongoing basis.
GeoSpark Assure also includes ongoing management and validations of the master database, ensuring quality is maintained throughout. Periodical database validations and audits can be performed as needed.